The question for our 2026 Tour: Can we (community) efficiently build or create if we live 70% of the time in a survival or fight/flight state of mind?
This is the very question we plan to dissect as we tour throughout the City of Chicago Spring and Summer time 2026. We will hold four separate six-session community centered upholstery circles in different areas: Southside, Southeast side, far Southside and the Westside of Chicago.
In addition to teaching the skills of reupholstering furniture, our community upholstery circles will also focus on providing a unique and compelling entry point for participants to examine and engage in critical discussions about the historical timeline of inequity and systemic racism in Black communities.
Our goal is to create a transformative experience that celebrates the power of art, culture and history. Our upholstery circles will explore the idea, while operating in a creation state of mind oppose to a survival state of mind, we can create healthy pathways that encourages sustainable collaboration in Black communities and removing barriers towards unity.
At Teena's Legacy, we know that change starts with people like you. Every act of kindness, every dollar, and every moment of your time brings us closer to achieving our mission. Together, we can create a brighter, more compassionate world for all. You can make a general donation by clicking the link to your right, or you can intentionally choose an area to support by clicking a donate button down below. Please leave a note stating which area you donated to, so we can keep track.
Support the purchase of our journals. The total cost of the journals is
Support the purchase of our chairs
(we are also accepting chair donations)
The total cost of chairs is
Support the purchase of fabrics.
The total cost of the fabric is
Support the purchase of our Curriculum.
The total cost is
Support the cost of food for each workshop. The total cost is
Support the cost of our end of workshop celebration, where we invite the community to hear the stories behind the chairs. The cost for the celebrations is